I have applied for Masters degree By odl mode…and my addmission is confirmed..but still haven’t got my books…I have selected hard copies while applying. and after addmission confirmation they sent the e-mail and link was there to see the status of dispatch of my study material..but even after entering my enrollment number they say it’s not in records what to do.. please guide..
Hello Gulrukh,
I am also facing same problem, but as per IGNOU it takes some extra time to dispatch study material. once it is dispatched you will be able to fetch study material dispatch status.
You may like to visit http://egyankosh.ac.in/ for downloading the digital study material. You can start studying the digital material till the printed material arrives.
As you said your admission is confirmed.
Please print your student Identity Card from the Online Admission Portal after logging into your account and register yourself on the Student Portal https://ignou.samarth.edu.in and create your student account, three days after confirmation of your admission.
Have a Nice Day,
Mohit Savji.